
Switches are a binary form element used to toggle between two options.

npm version

Source Code

npm install @vrembem/switch
@use "@vrembem/switch";


Switch form controls are composed using a set of <span> elements alongside the native <input type="checkbox"> element which should be given the switch__native class and come before the remaining presentational <span> elements.

<span class="switch">
  <input type="checkbox" class="switch__native">
  <span class="switch__background">
    <span class="switch__track">
      <span class="switch__thumb"></span>

switch + label

For switch with labels, just wrap the switch component along with label text using the <label> element.

  <span class="switch">
    <input type="checkbox" class="switch__native">
    <span class="switch__background">
      <span class="switch__track">
        <span class="switch__thumb"></span>
  Switch with a label


Adjust the size of a switch by increasing or decreasing its width and height. By default, the switch scale will provide a switch height of 30px (small switch_size_sm), 40px (default) and 50px (large switch_size_lg).

<span class="switch switch_size_sm">

<span class="switch switch_size_lg">

Available Variations

  • switch_size_sm
  • switch_size_lg

Sass variables

Variable Default Description
$prefix-block null String to prefix blocks with.
$prefix-element "__" String to prefix elements with.
$prefix-modifier "_" String to prefix modifiers with.
$prefix-modifier-value "_" String to prefix modifier values with.
$color core.$primary Sets the base color theme for the switch component.
$size core.$form-control-size Sets the width and height of the switch__background element.
$border-width 2px Sets the border-width property for the switch__track element and box-shadow spread for other elements and states.
$transition-duration core.$transition-duration-short Sets the transition-duration property for the switch__thumb element.
$transition-timing-function core.$transition-timing-function-sharp Sets the transition-timing-function property for the switch__thumb element.
$background transparent Sets the background-color property for the switch__background element.
$background-hover rgba($color, 0.1) Sets the background-color property on :hover state.
$background-focus rgba($color, 0.1) Sets the background-color property on :focus state.
$background-active rgba($color, 0.2) Sets the background-color property on :active state.
$background-checked null Sets the background-color property on :checked state.
$background-border-radius core.$border-radius-circle Sets the border-radius property for the switch__background element.
$track-size 20px Sets the width and height of the switch__track element.
$track-background core.$gray-200 Sets the background-color property for the switch__track element.
$track-background-hover null Sets the background-color property on :hover state.
$track-background-focus null Sets the background-color property on :focus state.
$track-background-active null Sets the background-color property on :active state.
$track-background-checked $color Sets the background-color property on :checked state.
$track-border-color core.$gray-400 Sets the border-color property for the switch__track element.
$track-border-color-hover null Sets the border-color property on :hover state.
$track-border-color-focus null Sets the border-color property on :focus state.
$track-border-color-active null Sets the border-color property on :active state.
$track-border-color-checked $color Sets the border-color property on :checked state.
$track-border-radius core.$border-radius-circle Sets the border-radius property for the switch__track element.
$thumb-background core.$white Sets the background-color property for the switch__thumb element.
$thumb-background-hover null Sets the background-color property on :hover state.
$thumb-background-focus null Sets the background-color property on :focus state.
$thumb-background-active null Sets the background-color property on :active state.
$thumb-background-checked null Sets the background-color property on :checked state.
$thumb-box-shadow-color core.$gray-400 Sets the box-shadow color property for the switch__thumb element.
$thumb-box-shadow-color-hover $color Sets the box-shadow color property on :hover state.
$thumb-box-shadow-color-focus $color Sets the box-shadow color property on :focus state.
$thumb-box-shadow-color-active $color Sets the box-shadow color property on :active state.
$thumb-box-shadow-color-checked $color Sets the box-shadow color property on :checked state.
$size-sm core.$form-control-size-sm Sets the width and height of the switch__background element of the switch_size_sm modifier.
$size-sm-border-width 2px Sets the border-width property for the switch__track element and box-shadow spread for other elements and states of the switch_size_sm modifier.
$size-sm-track 16px Sets the width and height of the switch__track element of the switch_size_sm modifier.
$size-lg core.$form-control-size-lg Sets the width and height of the switch__background element of the switch_size_lg modifier.
$size-lg-border-width 2.5px Sets the border-width property for the switch__track element and box-shadow spread for other elements and states of the switch_size_lg modifier.
$size-lg-track 26px Sets the width and height of the switch__track element of the switch_size_lg modifier.