
Checkboxes allow the user to select multiple options from a set.

npm version

Source Code

npm install @vrembem/checkbox
@use "@vrembem/checkbox";
import Checkbox from '@vrembem/checkbox';


Checkboxes are composed using a set of <span> elements alongside the native <input type="cehckbox"> element which should be given the checkbox__native class and come before the remaining presentational <span> elements.

<span class="checkbox">
  <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox__native">
  <span class="checkbox__background">
    <span class="checkbox__box">
      <span class="checkbox__icon"></span>

For indeterminate checkboxes, apply the aria-checked="mixed" attribute to the <input type="checkbox"> element and initialize the checkbox component script.

import Checkbox from "@vrembem/checkbox";
const checkbox = new Checkbox({ autoInit: true });

checkbox + label

For checkboxes with labels, just wrap the checkbox component along with label text using the <label> element.

  <span class="checkbox">
    <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox__native">
    <span class="checkbox__background">
      <span class="checkbox__box">
        <span class="checkbox__icon"></span>
  Checkbox with a label


Adjust the size of a checkbox by increasing or decreasing its width and height. By default, the checkbox scale will provide a checkbox height of 30px (small checkbox_size_sm), 40px (default) and 50px (large checkbox_size_lg).

<span class="checkbox checkbox_size_sm">

<span class="checkbox checkbox_size_lg">

Available Variations

  • checkbox_size_sm
  • checkbox_size_lg

Sass variables

Variable Default Description
$prefix-block null String to prefix blocks with.
$prefix-element "__" String to prefix elements with.
$prefix-modifier "_" String to prefix modifiers with.
$prefix-modifier-value "_" String to prefix modifier values with.
$color core.$primary Sets the base color theme for the checkbox component.
$size core.$form-control-size Sets the width and height of the checkbox__background element.
$border-width 2px Sets the border-width property for the checkbox__box element.
$transition-duration core.$transition-duration-short Sets the transition-duration property for the checkbox__icon element.
$transition-timing-function core.$transition-timing-function-sharp Sets the transition-timing-function property for the checkbox__icon element.
$background transparent Sets the background-color property for the checkbox__background element.
$background-hover rgba($color, 0.1) Sets the background-color property on :hover state.
$background-focus rgba($color, 0.1) Sets the background-color property on :focus state.
$background-active rgba($color, 0.2) Sets the background-color property on :active state.
$background-checked null Sets the background-color property on :checked state.
$background-border-radius core.$border-radius-circle Sets the border-radius property for the checkbox__background element.
$box-size 18px Sets the width and height of the checkbox__box element.
$box-background core.$white Sets the background-color property for the checkbox__box element.
$box-background-hover null Sets the background-color property on :hover state.
$box-background-focus null Sets the background-color property on :focus state.
$box-background-active null Sets the background-color property on :active state.
$box-background-checked $color Sets the background-color property on :checked state.
$box-border-color core.$gray-400 Sets the border-color property for the checkbox__box element.
$box-border-color-hover $color Sets the border-color property on :hover state.
$box-border-color-focus $color Sets the border-color property on :focus state.
$box-border-color-active $color Sets the border-color property on :active state.
$box-border-color-checked $color Sets the border-color property on :checked state.
$box-border-radius core.$border-radius Sets the border-radius property for the checkbox__box element.
$icon-size 12px Sets the width and height property for the checkbox__icon svg data:image.
$icon-color core.$white Sets the stroke property for the checkbox__icon svg data:image.
$icon-stroke 2.5 Sets the stroke-width property for the checkbox__icon svg data:image.
$size-sm core.$form-control-size-sm Sets the width and height of the checkbox__background element of the checkbox_size_sm modifier.
$size-sm-border-width 2px Sets the border-width property for the checkbox__box element of the checkbox_size_sm modifier.
$size-sm-box 14px Sets the width and height of the checkbox__box element of the checkbox_size_sm modifier.
$size-sm-icon 10px Sets the width and height property for the checkbox__icon svg data:image of the checkbox_size_sm modifier.
$size-sm-icon-stroke 2.5 Sets the stroke-width property for the checkbox__icon svg data:image of the checkbox_size_sm modifier.
$size-lg core.$form-control-size-lg Sets the width and height of the checkbox__background element of the checkbox_size_lg modifier.
$size-lg-border-width 2.5px Sets the border-width property for the checkbox__box element of the checkbox_size_lg modifier.
$size-lg-box 24px Sets the width and height of the checkbox__box element of the checkbox_size_lg modifier.
$size-lg-icon 18px Sets the width and height property for the checkbox__icon svg data:image of the checkbox_size_lg modifier.
$size-lg-icon-stroke 2 Sets the stroke-width property for the checkbox__icon svg data:image of the checkbox_size_lg modifier.

JavaScript Options

Key Default Description
autoInit false Automatically initializes the instance.
stateAttr 'aria-checked' Attribute to check mixed state against.
stateValue 'mixed' The mixed value to check for. Applied as the value of stateAttr.

Sass Functions

@function icon-check($size, $color, $stroke)

Outputs data image string for check SVG icon. Used as the value of url() in background-image property.

Returns String - Data image string


Variable Type Description
$size number (with unit) Value for width and height attributes.
$color color Value for stroke attribute.
$stroke number (unitless) Value for stroke-width attribute.


.icon-check {
  background-image: url(icon-check(18px, #fff, 2));

// CSS Output
.icon-check {
  background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" width="18px" height="18px" fill="none" stroke="%23FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><polyline points="9.5,3 4.5,8.5 2,6"></polyline></svg>');

@function icon-minus($size, $color, $stroke)

Outputs data image string for minus SVG icon. Used as the value of url() in background-image property.

Returns String - Data image string


Variable Type Description
$size number (with unit) Value for width and height attributes.
$color color Value for stroke attribute.
$stroke number (unitless) Value for stroke-width attribute.


.icon-minus {
  background-image: url(icon-minus(18px, #fff, 2));

// CSS Output
.icon-minus {
  background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" width="18px" height="18px" fill="none" stroke="%23FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><line x1="2" y1="6" x2="10" y2="6" /></svg>');



Initializes the checkbox instance. During initialization, the following processes are run:

  • Sets checkboxes to the indeterminate state that match the provided attribute and values.
  • Attaches the click event listener that handles switching off the indeterminate state.


  • options [Object] (optional) An options object for passing your custom settings.
const checkbox = new Checkbox();


Destroys and cleans up the checkbox instantiation. For the checkbox component, this just involves removing the click event listener.

const checkbox = new Checkbox();
// ...

checkbox.setAriaState(el, value)

Sets the aria attribute value for mixed checkboxes.


  • el The element or elements whose aria state should be set.
  • value (Default: settings.stateValue) The value that should be set to the aria attribute.

Example removes presentational <span> elements for brevity but should be included in your implementation.

<!-- Initial HTML -->
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox__native">
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox__native">
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox__native">
const els = document.querySelectorAll('.checkbox__native');
<!-- Result -->
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox__native" aria-checked="mixed">
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox__native" aria-checked="mixed">
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox__native" aria-checked="mixed">


Removes the aria attribute value for mixed checkboxes.


  • el The element or elements whose aria state should be removed.

Example removes presentational <span> elements for brevity but should be included in your implementation.

<!-- Initial HTML -->
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox__native" aria-checked="mixed">
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox__native" aria-checked="mixed">
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox__native" aria-checked="mixed">
const els = document.querySelectorAll('.checkbox__native');
<!-- Result -->
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox__native">
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox__native">
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox__native">


Sets the indeterminate state of a checkbox based on whether or not the aria-checkbox attribute is set to "mixed" if using the default settings.


  • el The element or elements whose indeterminate state should be set.
const els = document.querySelectorAll('.checkbox__native');

To learn more about the indeterminate state, click here. It’s important to note that this state is set using the HTMLInputElement object’s indeterminate property via JavaScript (it cannot be set using an HTML attribute).